Study in Denmark
General Information
Situated at the southernmost tip of the Nordic countries, Denmark is a country that is unique for myriad reasons. Not only is it one of the most densely populated countries in the region, but also has one of the highest consumption of fruits per capita in Europe and probably the world.
Studying in Denmark
Whether it is research based curriculum or theory based, students can easily find the study program that they aim to pursue. There are numerous programmes that are taught in English. This makes familiarizing oneself with the Danish non compulsory. However, it can add to the social quotient of the student. One of the unique features about study in Denmark is that students can not only choose between degree programmes, short term programmes or exchange programmes but also between Universities, University Colleges, and Academies of Professional Higher Education. Moreover, students may also move from one institution to another thanks to the opportunities of credit transfer.
One of the unique features about the study programmes in Denmark is that they cater to both the types of students. One that prefers to get a professional degree and the other who wants to join the mainstream job market after completion of studies. On the other hand, there are programmes that allow the students more time to complete their studies when they combine it with field studies and practical application of their subject. This is one the most unique features about study opportunities in Denmark.
Thus, it will be more beneficial to the students desirous of pursuing their further studies when their research on the information about study in Denmark before they take the final call.
Hesitation in choosing Denmark?
Although most of the students who head out of the country for higher studies have the normal destinations like US, UK, Australia, New Zealand, there are countries in Europe, especially the Nordic countries which offer not just opportunities at par with the popular destinations but are far more pocket friendly.
A trip to the study in Denmark consultants will surely put a lot of doubts and questions relating to not just study opportunities but also expenses and language barrier questions to rest. According to a study conducted in 2012, the average cost of higher education varies from country to country in Europe. However, the Nordic countries are generally more generous when it comes to fees that are charged for imparting education. Of course, there are certain groups that are accorded free education and yet for those who do not belong in that group, the costs are still lower when compared to the more popular countries as mentioned above.
Benefits of Studying in Denmark
Students who arrive in Denmark from EU or EEA (European Economic Area) can avail of free higher education.
Students who are a part of student exchange programmes are also able to avail of free higher education.
There are further categories, which do not have to pay for tuition, which includes those who have a permanent residential permit or temporary residence permit that can be later upgraded to permanent resident permit.
A student who has a parent from a non EU or EEA country, but who is already working in Denmark can also avail of free higher education.
There are many different grants also available to the students if they become parents or even when they choose to be single parents.
The Danish government also offers scholarships to highly qualified students from other countries provided they adhere to certain prerequisites.
Low cost of living is one of the features that can act as an attractive factor for students.